Experimenting with White!

Happy New Year to you all!  As I promised myself, I am now starting the Reflect on Colour series beginning with White and the colours of the rainbow as inspired by my walk back in November.  It’s not all about selling my work: I do enjoy messing about with inks, watersoluble crayons and quality felt […]

Driffield Saturday Market – Joan’s Art Stall

Had lovely time selling more art work over a single morning than I sold in two Driffield Thursday markets!  Despite the fact it was nearly Christmas ( 21st Dec ) I still sold Christmas cards with one lady saying that she was buying them for next year!  There was a brass band playing and I […]

The Thursday Driffield Market

The day started with lots of detail – where to put the float money, where to have the public liability forms.  Where should I stand? How was I going to display my Art work?  Luckily I had some good helpful advice ( I had invited advice as a complete novice to the street market!)  from […]